Rood's Photo Gallery
There are a few unidentified and possibly misidentified people. (I
have not identified the backs of heads even when I recognized them.)
There are undoubtedly some misspellings and other errors. If one of
these is you, I offer my apologies. My memory for names was never
good, and whatever capability I originally had is deteriorating with
age. Please let me know if you recognize someone and find an error.
I'll eventually produce a list of favorites or `best of'. If you
would like to vote for favorites or propose a caption let me know.
I have much higher resolution versions of all of these
pictures. If you would like one to make a print or whatever let me
know by emailing ... (Note: you will need to email the Astronomy department webmaster, rather than Bob Rood's old email address)
Master Index (does not include
ALMA 2008 and above )
In roughly reverse chronological order.
A few new pix, 9 May, 2011
C'ville 2011
New September, 2010
From Project OZMA to the Starship Enterprise, Green Bank, West Virginia, 12--15 September, 2010.
Light Elements in the Universe,
IAU Symposium
268, Geneva, 9-13 November 2009
22 July, 2009 Solar Eclipse
These pictures don't really fit the
Gallery, but you might like them anyway.
LBT Board Meeting
19-20 April, 2009, Columbus, Ohio
ASTRO2010 Townhall
11 March, 2009, Charlottesville
The Charlottesville Astronomical Scene
1973--present: UVa, NRAO,
The Ages of Stars ,
IAU Symposium 258, Baltimore, 13--17 October, 2008
ALMA2008--Madrid aka TLWfest
Various AURA Meetings 2005 to 2008 Member Rep Meeting
IAU Symposium 105: Geneva 1983
Newly discovered in the attic
IAU Symposium 246:
Dynamics of Dense Stellar
Systems, Capri, 5--9 September, 2007
XXI Century Challenges to Stellar Evolution
Cefalu, Italy, 29 August -- 2 September, 2007
NRAO 50th Anniversary Symposium
18--21 June, 2007
The Chiosifest
From Stars to Galaxies:
Building the pieces to build up the Universe, October,
The Steigfest
Fundamental Astro-Particle Physics, May
Green Bank, July 4, 2006
, aka Stellar
Populations, a Rosetta Stone for Galaxy Formation, Ringberg Castle, July 04--08, 2005
Dave Hogg Symposium and Jansky Lecture 2005
Bologna 2005, 06,
LBT Dedication
October, 2004
Mixing in Stars; Castiglione della Pescaia, 2004
The Light Elements and Their Evolution,
Natal, 21--27 November, 1999
Unsolved Problems in Stellar Evolution, STScI, May 1998
Astronomy, Cosmology, & Fundamental Physics: ESO-CERN, Bologna 1988
Clusters: IAU Colloquium 126, Harvard 1986
Garching CNO Elements 1985
Solar Neutrinos,
Lead, SD 1984
Summer Workshop on the origin of galaxies, 1987
Meetings at NRAO, Charlottesville, 1987 & 2000
25th Anniversary of Project OZMA, Green Bank 1986
The Quest for the Fundamental Constants in Cosmology, Moriond, 1989
GBT Planning Meetings and 30th Birthday of the 140 Foot, Green Bank
Giants Erice 1980
Pictures from Cambridge Globular Cluster Meeting 1978, Erice Sun as a
Star 1976, plus a few others from the same epoch
Miscellaneous pictures 1974 -- present
Cambridge 1974
Globular Cluster Workshop, Frascati 1973
Liege 1974
Pasadena 1972--73
taken at UVa and NRAO in the 1970's
A Few
Pictures taken at UVa in the 1980's
Globular Cluster Sorts
Mostly duplicates of those above (broken link)