These are pictures which I took at the Symposium to honor Dave Hogg held in at NRAO in Charlottesville, September 30, 2005, and at the Jansky Lecture 23 October, 2005.
As with all of my pictures the technical quality is highly variable. I try to get pictures of people interacting naturally which is impossible using a flash. Often I am forced to use the equivalent of ISO 1600 film inside and if the picture had to be heavily cropped or if I had to bring out shadow detail the images are grainy. Also slow shudder speeds and wide aperture make motion and focus a problem. I suppose I should just toss the problematic pictures, but sometimes all pictures of a given individual had problems, or there was something I liked about the picture which made me keep the picture despite some problems.
If you would like to have your picture removed from this site, please let me know.
I have much higher resolution versions of all of these pictures. If you would like one to make a print or whatever let me know by emailing